Vision Now – October 2020

Vision Now Polk Museum of Art at Florida Southern College

Host: Amy Wiggins, Board Member and Executive Director of the Imperial Symphony Orchestra

Guest:  Dr. Alex Rich from the Polk Museum of Art at Florida Southern College

Synopsis:  The Polk Museum of Art was impacted by restrictions related to the COVID-19 pandemic, like all arts & cultural organizations in Lakeland. In response to closing their physical space, the museum team set to work expanding digital offerings and educational programs. One such project is Hindsight 2020: Art of This Moment – an online exhibition of art produced since March 2020.

Related Vision Focus Goals:

  • Activities for a Diverse Community:
    • Arts and Culture
      Lakeland will provide a supportive arts environment that advances, promotes, and funds the arts community to invite community-wide participation in the arts.
    • Communications
      Lakeland will be an interconnected and informed community through community-wide communications.