Focus on
Jobs for a Vibrant Economy
Lakeland will have jobs for all to support a vibrant economy.
Lakeland will have job growth, with higher wage jobs and careers for citizens of all ages, skill levels, and abilities.
Business Development and Attraction
Lakeland will attract a wide variety of high-tech, high-wage employers.
Retail and Business
Lakeland will be a business-friendly community.
Prosperous Lakeland
Lakeland will be a prosperous, technologically-advanced city that attracts and retains a young, innovative, and talented workforce within a creative environment.
Marketing and Tourism
Lakeland will promote its local attractions, events and activities to attract residents and visitors.
Roadways and Mobility
Our community will improve the overall mobility of our citizens while ensuring our transportation system supports a strong economy.
Green Economy
Lakeland will attract and promote green industries and local green markets to achieve a sustainable local economy.