Focus on
Strong and Safe Neighborhoods
Lakeland will have neighborhoods where residents enjoy their quality of life.
Sense of Community
Institutions, organizations, and neighborhoods will create and support a cohesive and engaged community that fosters intergenerational and geographic unity.
Downtown Lakeland will be walkable and vibrant with a variety of housing options, restaurants, small businesses, green spaces, and venues for community gatherings and events.
Lakeland will be a clean, beautiful city centered around magnificent lakes, attractive streetscapes, quality architecture, and natural features.
Preservation and Revitalization
Lakeland will celebrate its history and support unique, strong neighborhoods through revitalization and historic preservation while striving to eliminate blight.
Clean Lakeland
Our community will seek to eliminate litter, reduce pollution, and protect the health of our lakes and other natural resources.
Character of Development
Lakeland will support diverse housing options for citizens of all incomes.
Sustainable Lakeland
Our community will support a sustainable quality of life by conserving natural resources, preserving green spaces, providing environmental education programs, promoting alternative energy sources and developing many modes of transportation to move people and goods.
Public Involvement
Our citizens will be knowledgeable on how government works and how to communicate with decision-makers.
Lakeland will have effective law enforcement with community-based crime prevention activities to ensure safe schools, neighborhoods, and streets.
Lakeland will have accessible, capable leaders who are dedicated to providing resources and services to all areas of the community.
Growth Management
Lakeland will be well planned and managed to preserve green space, create vibrant mixed-use neighborhoods, encourage infill and redevelopment, and ensure that public infrastructure can keep up with the needs of a growing population.
Public Transit
Lakeland will provide convenient, modern, safe, and efficient transportation alternatives to enhance livability and improve connections throughout the region.
Lakeland will reduce its homeless population.