Lakeland Vision is an independent, non-profit organization. It was formed in 1998 with the goal of creating and implementing a comprehensive, action-oriented vision for the future of the greater Lakeland area. During the first ten years, Lakeland Vision built partnerships and alliances throughout the community to address a majority of the strategies outlined in the initial vision.
A decade later, Lakeland Vision turned to the community to refresh Lakeland’s vision. Not only had most of the strategies from the first vision been accomplished, but the community had also changed significantly during the decade. Lakeland Vision brought the community’s diverse population together engaging almost 1000 voices in the metro area resulting in 1000 ideas.
In 2008 Lakeland’s Vision was updated based upon strategies focused in 11 key areas. See a sample of strategy implementation here. Because visioning is never complete, and Lakeland’s community is growing and changing, in 2019 Lakeland’s Vision was refreshed again.
What We Do
Lakeland Vision collaborates with a broad range of community stakeholders to implement a comprehensive action plan shaped by the community’s own vision of its future.

Approximately 1,000 citizens engaged from every neighborhood of the greater Lakeland area to provide their priorities for focus areas in the updated Lakeland Vision.
These 4 focus areas include:
- Safe and Strong Neighborhoods
- Jobs for a Vibrant Economy
- Lifelong Education
- Activities for a Diverse Community
Implementation Partners and Vision Supporters will work with the Lakeland Vision Board of Directors to continue implementing the community’s vision goals.