Age Friendly Lakeland:
- Bringing new CNAs to our community by removing the financial barrier to obtain a state certification
- Establishing and refining a Neighborhood Outreach program to encourage communication for needs and deliver resources for needs of our most vulnerable community population
- Age Friendly Business Seal Implementation to bring awareness around older adults- Including Elder abuse, identify physical restrictions that older adults may have accessing their business, and offer access to local available resources in specific situations.
- More information can be found at
- Chair: Kari Gomez/ Coordinator: Allie Bates
Community Unity:
Creating opportunities for youth and law enforcement to build positive relationships through bicycle repair and mentorship in a multi-organization led initiative called ‘Bike Buddies’
- Chair: Rick Maxey
LV + Lakeland Chamber of Commerce Joint Education Committee:
Identifying current resource gaps (for educators, parents, business owners, community members, etc.).
Connect stakeholders to education partners with clear goals, expectations, and processes.
Whole person focus (lifelong education) from early childhood to senior citizen programing.
Education communications with ALL Lakeland audiences relaying value of strong education options in our community
- Chair: Dr. Leon Battle
Community Engagement:
Develop strategies to engage the community with the Vision
Identify ways to share goals within the Vision with specified audiences
- Co-Chairs: Ileana Kniss & Trinity Laurino
The Cygnet Award Committee:
The Lakeland Vision Cygnet Award will be bestowed upon companies, organizations and individuals that strive to achieve our strategic goals in order to impact our community in positive and significant ways.
- Chair:
Health Care Committee:
- Elevate the Lakeland Community’s Medical Literacy through education, access and care coordination.
- Create a healthcare ecosystem pointing in direction of trusted voices who can also get information out to the community on medical/healthcare literacy.