HIGH TECH/HIGH SKILL INITIATIVE – The Lakeland Economic Development Council formed a High Skill Task Force based on a Vision strategy and in response to a number of Vision volunteers advocacy. This led to LEDC’s initiative to develop and recruit more high skill businesses to this area.
FOCUS ON LEADERSHIP – Through the efforts of John Fitzwater, the Ledger, and the Minority Business Council of the Chamber, based on a strategy the Chamber selected at a retreat, this program was adopted from a successful minority leadership program in Gainesville, Florida. The program identifies and trains minority leaders and encourages them to become involved in the community. Many Focus on Leadership Alumni are involved in various Lakeland Vision strategies.
COMMUNITY CELEBRATION – Created by the Minority Business Council of the Chamber and based on a Vision strategy adopted at a Chamber retreat, the CommUnity Celebration has become an annual tradition. The event has been held at the Lakeland Center with renowned keynote speakers. Several hundred people, with attendance growing each year, joined in each Celebration to further the vision of racial harmony in our community.
SELECTED SUPERINTENDENT – Led by Lakeland Vision’s Education Foundation Chairman, Hunt Berryman, the Chambers and Polk Businesses for Worldclass Education, the communities rallied together to make history. As of November 2004 Polk County was no longer the largest school district in the nation to elect their superintendent. Voters had previously rejected the change 6 times since the 1960’s.
BREAKING DOWN BARRIERS BETWEEN MUNICIPALITIES IN POLK COUNTY – The walls between our Polk County cities began to come down. We worked together to improve many things on a countywide basis. The Lakeland Chamber of Commerce, after adopting this strategy, started a countywide Chamber Consortium that directly led to the creation of Citizens for Quality Education and the successful voter referendum for a selected school superintendent.
POLK VISION – Establishing a County-wide Vision was one of our priority strategies. We worked with United Way of Central Florida and others throughout Polk County to make this a reality. Many have said publicly that were it not for the success and broad-based community involvement of Lakeland Vision, there would not be a countywide Vision.
EDUCATION FORUM – EDUCATORS AND COMMUNITY LEADERS COMMITTING TO THE VISION PROCESS – The Education Foundation had a kick-off forum where over 150 people, either educators or concerned citizens joined together to commit to work on education strategies. Those committees continued to work over the years to assist in reaching our education benchmarks, and our graduation rate began rising. Education strategies were entrusted to Polk Vision once they were ready to develop implementation teams.
IMAGE – The Chamber of Commerce and the City Commission created a Joint Image Task Force to make recommendations to the Chamber and the City for ways to improve our image. The Task Force focused on:
- Conveying positives to young professionals
- Portraying Lakeland in the best light to progressive high tech firms
- Pursuing the All American City designation for Lakeland
- Improving the appearance of City entrances from I-4
RACIAL AND ETHNIC HARMONY – Established a Benchmark for Racial/Ethnic Harmony as measured by a biennial survey. An overall index of 1(total harmony) to 4 (total disharmony) is used to evaluate responses. All categories have remained below 2.5, which indicate that there is more harmony than disharmony in racial/ethnic attitudes concerning education, social, health care and jobs. In 2005 an index was added to measure leadership. There are still significant areas of improvement needed to bring harmony to all aspects of the community. The survey has been copyrighted and has been used as a model in other communities such as Saginaw, MI and Wichita, KS.
HOUSING ALLIANCE – This Alliance was established to address the Infrastructure benchmark to eliminate substandard housing. Partners included the City of Lakeland, Lakeland Community Redevelopment Agency (LCRA), Lakeland Housing Authority, Habitat for Humanity, Word Alive Ministries, Keystone Challenge Fund, Polk County Neighborhood Services, NuJak Construction and QB and Associates Construction. A Comprehensive Housing Strategy was funded jointly by the LCRA and the County.
One product of this strategy was a comprehensive windshield survey of substandard and dilapidated housing, within the Metro Lakeland Area; the last time a survey was completed was 10 years prior. The survey results helped to target the City of Lakeland’s Housing Division and Polk County’s Neighborhood Services resources. This further supported the development of the City’s urban housing/infill lot development program taking place within the Parker Street neighborhood. Current work in Parker Street includes many of the partners who had participated with the Comprehensive Housing Strategy, including Keystone Challenge Fund, Florida Leisure Communities and Parker Street Ministries.
DIVERSITY AND INCLUSION CAMPAIGN – Established a partnership with University of Central Florida’s Office of Diversity Initiatives to work with minorities to build a more inclusive community. Also, a Multicultural Festival has become an annual event designed to bring our diverse community together. In September 2007 the first Diversity Summit was held at USF Lakeland and hosted by Lakeland Vision, USF Lakeland, Polk Community College, City of Lakeland, Polk County School Board, Florida Southern College, and Central Florida Business Diversity Council.
CARDBOARD BOAT CHALLENGE – With the support of Lakeland Clean and Beautiful, the City of Lakeland, local volunteers, and event sponsors Lakeland Vision has established a sold out annual event. Teams work to construct a boat made of cardboard that can survive the challenges of a course on Lake Hollingsworth. Environmental agencies participate by providing information about protecting our natural resources.
OUTDOOR READING ROOM – In partnership with the Junior League of Greater Lakeland and the Verizon Foundation, a supervised space in Munn Park was stocked with reading materials and made available to the public in 2006. This encouraged family literacy and a new use for our public space, as well as invited opportunities for intergenerational connections. The Reading Room was used regularly by McKeel Academy, parents and children, and downtown employees during lunchtime hours.
LISTEN LAKELAND – Produced in cooperation with the City’s Communications Department and Hall Communications, this thirty-minute radio show promotes the positive, and often unique, qualities of Lakeland. The program airs every month on all four Hall radio stations.
POLK HEALTH CARE ALLIANCE – A consortium of approximately 35 health care agencies and service providers from throughout Polk County are working together to develop and implement strategies that lead to the goal of increased access to health care in Polk County for all uninsured and underinsured residents.
VOLUNTEER RESOURCE CENTER – This one-stop volunteer center was supported by USF Lakeland, United Way of Central Florida, and community volunteers. The Center opened its doors in November 2007. Non-profit agencies in Polk County are able to publish their volunteer opportunities online where they can be viewed by volunteers who can satisfy the needs. Also, specialized programs, such as “volunteer management”, will become available to registered organizations.
YOUR CITY/YOUR BUDGET – Lakeland Vision provided citizens with a direct platform to share their ideas relating to the City of Lakeland’s annual budget through the “Your City/Your Budget” online budgeting tool. Information collected was given directly to Lakeland City Commissioners to assist in financial decision making.
THE LAKELAND LEADERSHIP COUNCIL ON SENIORS – this dynamic council of individuals with involvment in a wide array of senior related businesses and community organizations seek to ensure that Lakeland seniors experience a high quality of life in a variety of living situations, are involved in the community and have access to services such as senior centers, health care, continuing education and public transportation. The Council on Seniors meets bi-monthly to continue the focus on quality senior living in Lakeland.
WALK FRIENDLY & BIKE FRIENDLY COMMUNITY DESIGNATIONS – These nationally recognized designations from the U.S. Department of Transportation’s Federal Highway Administration and the League of American Bicyclists continue Lakeland towards the citizen’s goal of making our community conducive for walking and biking through a comprehensive, expansive and well-connected network of sidewalks, bike lanes and trails that all integrate safely with roadways.
COMMUNITIES FOR A LIFETIME – Through continued efforts by the Lakeland Leadership Council on Seniors, Lakeland Vision facilitated the recognition of Lakeland as a “Community for a Lifetime” through the Florida Department of Elder Affairs. The Communities for a Lifetime initiative administers programs that help communities create environments that embrace the life experience and valuable contributions of older adults and feature improvements to benefit all residents, youthful and elder alike.
AGE-FRIENDLY LAKELAND – After six years of education and advocacy as the Lakeland Leadership Council on Seniors, the group rebranded as “Age-Friendly Lakeland” after receiving the AARP Age-Friendly Community designation in March of 2017. Our city’s elected leadership made the commitment to actively work toward making Lakeland a great place for people of all ages. A survey was conducted within Lakeland from March 2017-December2017 to help assess available resources and what Lakeland residents, ages 45 and older, view as important for successfully aging in place. The survey captured information on the topics of outdoor spaces/buildings, transportation, housing, social participation, respect and social inclusion, civic participation and employment, communication and information and, lastly, community support and health services. The Age-Friendly was assisted by Dr. Larry Ross to review the information gathered from the survey and use it to formulate a strategic plan for a healthier, more satisfying experience of aging in Lakeland.
Age Friendly Lakeland has set a mission to promote, educate and advocate for older adults and their families. Through collaboration with non-profit and for-profit organizations, this committee maximizes opportunities for seniors to be active, healthy, and engaged with their neighbors by connecting them with resources, each other, and their community. With an emphasis on promoting inclusive livability, Age Friendly Lakeland offers guidance as to available programs, community outreach, and a Senior Brain Trust.
BIKE BUDDIES – a program creating opportunities for youth and law enforcement to build positive relationships through bicycle repair and mentorship. With bi-annual events, nine partnering organizations and financial contributions from around the greater Lakeland Area, Lakeland Vision was able to create an agency implementation kit and an event operations manual which can be utilized by Lakeland’s Bike Buddies program lead, which is currently PAL (Police Athletic League) and surrounding communities/municipalities in Polk County.
PARTNERS IN EDUCATION – a community engagement initiative connecting businesses and organizations with our schools to build lasting partnerships. A collaboration between The Lakeland Chamber of Commerce, Lakeland Vision, Polk County Public Schools and Connect Ed to resource, engage and celebrate Polk County’s educational institutions through business engagement and public awareness. This work is in line with our community’s Vision which includes “Lifelong Education” as one of four focus areas identified by citizens. With goals for community support, career development, early childhood preparation and outcome-entered curriculum Lakeland’s vision for high quality educational opportunities can only be realized through cooperation and collaboration.