LkldView – Share Your Thoughts with the City of Lakeland
Are you a resident of Lakeland? The City of Lakeland would like your opinion on city government and the quality of life in Lakeland. Take a few moments to share your thoughts.
Are you a resident of Lakeland? The City of Lakeland would like your opinion on city government and the quality of life in Lakeland. Take a few moments to share your thoughts.
Lakeland residents can vote before Election Day (11/3). The early voting period runs from Monday, October 19, 2020 to Sunday, November 1, 2020. Here are the early voting locations in Lakeland:
– Polk County Government Center, 930 E Parker Street
– Simpson Park Community Center, 1725 Martin L King Jr Ave.
Those in South Lakeland can also vote in neighboring Mulberry at the Mulberry Civic Center, 901 NE 5th Street.
Make sure your voice is heard!
The Leadership Team of the Age Friendly Lakeland Committee will meet via ZOOM on Wednesday, October 21st at 11:00 a.m.
The mission of Age Friendly Lakeland is to promote, educate and advocate for older adults and their families.
Through collaboration with non-profit and for-profit organizations, Age Friendly Lakeland maximizes opportunities for seniors to be active, healthy, and engaged with their neighbors by connecting them with resources, each other, and their community. With an emphasis on promoting inclusive livability, Age Friendly Lakeland offers guidance as to available programs, community outreach, and a Senior Brain Trust.
For more information, please contact Age Friendly Lakeland Coordinator, Allie Bates (
The Lakeland Vision Board of Directors will meet for their monthly business meeting on Thursday, October 1, 2020 at 8:30 a.m. via Zoom. Heide Evans Waldron, Director of Development of Bonnet Springs Park, will be the guest speaker providing an update to the board on the progress of Bonnet Springs and how it fulfills multiple goals within Lakeland’s Vision Document. Guests are welcome at monthly board meetings. Please contact Laura Rodriguez for login information (
The Lakeland Vision Board of Directors will come together for a monthly board meeting on Thursday, September 3rd at 8:30 a.m. via Zoom.
The Age Friendly Lakeland Committee Leadership Team will meet on Wednesday, August 19th at 11:30 a.m. via ZOOM. The team will discuss plans for the August 26th AFL Committee meeting and determine the focus areas for the remainder of 2020. Lakeland Vision Board Member, Liz Craven, serves as the AFL Chairwoman and the AFL Coordinator is Allie Bates. Anyone interested in becoming involved with Age Friendly Lakeland can reach out to Allie at
Through collaboration with non-profit and for-profit organizations, Age Friendly Lakeland maximizes opportunities for seniors to be active, healthy, and engaged with their neighbors by connecting them with resources, each other, and their community. With an emphasis on promoting inclusive livability, Age Friendly Lakeland offers guidance as to available programs, community outreach, and a Senior Brain Trust.
Lakeland Vision’s Education Committee will meet on Tuesday, August 18th at 11:00 a.m. via ZOOM. The meeting will be led by Education Committee Chairwoman, Sara R. McCarley. Anyone interested in being a part of the Education Committee may contact Executive Director, Laura Rodriguez (
Priorities of the Education Committee include:
1. Educating the public and managing the message about our Lakeland schools and education options
2. Focusing on community support of Lakeland schools (not so much the funding)
Lakeland Vision’s Age Friendly Lakeland Committee will be meeting on Wednesday, July 22nd at 11:30 a.m. Committee members will meet virtually via Zoom. The AFL Committee is led by Chairwoman, Liz Craven. For more information, please contact Lakeland Vision Executive Director, Laura Rodriguez at
Through collaboration with non-profit and for-profit organizations, Age Friendly Lakeland maximizes opportunities for seniors to be active, healthy, and engaged with their neighbors by connecting them with resources, each other, and their community. With an emphasis on promoting inclusive livability, Age Friendly Lakeland offers guidance as to available programs, community outreach, and a Senior Brain Trust.
The Lakeland Vision Board of Directors will not be meeting in July though committees will continue to meet as called.